
Resilience Traning (Coping Effectively)


This programme is for people who are highly stretched, finding it difficult to cope or perhaps losing focus on what matters at work. It is for organisations and teams who need to slow down or even stop for a while, think more, and become more pro-active (rather than reactive).

Content includes

This programme is based on the work of Loehr and Schwartz (“The Power of Full Engagement”), who brought their sports coaching findings into business. It promotes a heightened self-awareness and challenges self-beliefs which can be holding us back. The course benefits people in both work and life.

· To know and understand the drivers of my performance, and therefore how I can raise my own game, the energy I bring to work, what EQ is and the real meaning of response-ability.

· To believe that I am personally in control, I can take charge of my own development. I can make choices, it’s up to me, and I can impact the unforeseen events.

· To commit to continuing personal development, look out for myself (be more selfish), develop new habits and share progress with colleagues.

Who should attend

The course is open to anyone who feels they are highly stretched in their work and also personal life.


Not Certified

Upcoming dates:

No training dates available at the moment.

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Resilience Traning (Coping Effectively)

Training Days

4 x 90 Minute Sessions

Training Locations


Course Cost

Member: €150
Non-member: €250
* Cost quoted per person

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